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How to Stop Overspending in Beauty

The trend of consumerism is applicable to all areas of life. I personally seem to overspend on beauty. Apart from the necessities I often indulge in products that appear attractive to me. “You need this in your life” is the refrain I constantly hear from bloggers to the brands themselves. And I believe them. The unavoidable deals and enticing offers draw me in. I accumulate all this stuff; some turn out great others I regret ever buying. I keep buying the wrong stuff because I fail to consider if the products are suited to my preferences. Well overall the situation needs to be handled. In order to better my spending habits and to be more conscious of my consumption I have come up with a few ideas. I shall try to follow them myself and hope it helps someone who is reading as well. Less is more  A simple skincare routine is kind to the skin and the wallet. The essential steps – wash moisturize, sunscreen – this is what I do most days. This means I only need face wash, moisturizer, and
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3 Easy Steps to Get into Gardening

Spring is here and it’s the perfect time to start a new garden. No matter how much space you have there is always room for something green. A little plant on your desk or a petite herb garden by the window sill, there are many ways to add plants to your life. From a few houseplants to a self sufficient garden there are endless possibilities. You do not need any special skills, only the will to grow. If you are ready to begin growing some plants at home here are some tips that will help you get started. Get some plants Step one is to acquire some plants. Visit your local nursery where you will find a variety to choose from. If you have friends or neighbors who have plants ask them for cuttings. This process of making new plants from already existing ones is called propagation. The method is simple – take a cutting below the node, put it in water and watch the roots grow. Then plant the rooted cuttings into soil. Many popular houseplants such as money plants, Monstera, and Syngonium,

How to Build a Basic Skincare Routine

Skincare is a form of self care. It is a part of morning and evening routines, to refresh or wind down. With so many products, devices, tips and tricks out there finding clarity is difficult. Despite the trends telling us to add new steps to our routines every day it seems, skincare can be a simple and sustainable habit. If you are looking for ways to simplify your routine or build one from scratch I hope you will find this article helpful. Instead of choosing products by themselves determine a routine that includes the essential steps you need to follow to keep your skin healthy. Then pick up a product for each step without burning a hole in your pocket. Here are a few steps that could be part of your basic routine. Wash. Moisturize. Repeat.  The primary step is wash and moisturize. Yes these two go hand in hand. You can skip everything in between. These are the foundation of a good skincare routine. Washing your face and applying a moisturizer regularly, especially at night, keep